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Signing Apk

Whenever you're using a jarsigner, don't rely on its default setting to sign the apk properly. Check google Sign apk page and use the suggested settings by default.

My original script looked like this:

"%jdkbindir%\jarsigner" -verbose ^
 -keystore bin\LCLDebugBKKey.keystore -keypass 123456 -storepass 123456 ^
 -signedjar bin\%APP_NAME%-unaligned.apk bin\%APP_NAME%-unsigned.apk LCLDebugBKKey

It worked fine on my Android device, but failed on others. What I was missing (per Google's page) is "sigalg" and "digestalg" modifiers:

"%jdkbindir%\jarsigner" -verbose ^
 -sigalg SHA1withRSA ^
 -digestalg SHA1 ^
 -keystore bin\LCLDebugBKKey.keystore -keypass 123456 -storepass 123456 ^
 -signedjar bin\%APP_NAME%-unaligned.apk bin\%APP_NAME%-unsigned.apk LCLDebugBKKey

Debugging such issues could be tricky. Since the only thing that a user sees is a message "App Not Installed". A savvy person will not be able to give you log to see packager error. I had to use one of the online Android test services (testdroid) to get the log